Ok, I read the Odyssey like... 10 times so, I cant read the top question, but the answer the second one is,
He offers to pay him back with an alliance after he makes it home. The vow is important because Odysseus was arguably the most powerful ruler at the time. So, an alliance with him would help Alcinous a lot.
he is disappointed with himself
i got it right
Jo's mother speaks of the need to be married and settled in a family with her man and children.
In page 459, the second paragraph of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Jo had confided in her mum her desire to go away to try something new.
Her mother with some reluctance agrees but states that after her thirst for freedom is satisfied, she will find that she has a longing for something else.
For in their conversation Jo had mentioned that besides seeking new things, the other reason she wants out was that Laurie was getting fonder and fonder of her. [Please see Page 460, paragraph 5]
After her mum inquires about why she is not desirous of becoming mates with Laurie, her mum acquiesces and in 5th Paragraph of page 461 her mother states "You I leave
, to enjoy your liberty till you tire of it, for only then will you find that there is something sweeter."
a stranger named gustavo who walks accidentally inside don cesareo house.
In the first sentence the possessive pronoun is 'his'. it is saying that the hand belongs to the boy.
In the second sentence the possessive pronoun is 'theirs'.
In the third sentence the object o the preposition is 'covers'.