Answer: e.) “And then when the sun came and that awful pattern began to laugh at me I declared I would finish it to-day!”
This last quote shows you an example of how rest cure has lead her to near insanity. She was hallucinating and imagining things that are completely unrealistic ultimately leading to severe depression.
14. True.
15. False.
16. True.
In Chinua Achebe's novel 'Things Fall Apart", the story revolves around the Igbo culture in Africa, specifically on the character of Okonkwo. The story deals with themes of culture, tradition, Christianity, conformity, etc.
In Chapter 3, we see that Okonkwo's father Unoka went to the Oracle to consult why his crops failed even though he made sacrifices. It was then that he was told his crops failed despite his sacrifices because he was lazy and had planted on a wasted land.
Okonkwo's prosperity was a result of his desire to be unlike his lazy father. He did not want to be deemed alike to his father and thus, went to the wealthy Nwakibie to ask for 400 yam seeds.
In Igbo culture, yam was considered to be the king of the crops. It was assumed that a man who can feed yam to his family the whole year is a man who has succeeded and is hardworking.
Letter B is the answer for this question
E) All of the above or that's what I think so