Two factors that made diseases from Europe worse than diseases from America was the cleanliness and hygiene. When colonization occurred, the individuals who came along the journey had brought diseases along with them. And it was not just them who had brought it, but it was also contained in the food and things they brought as well.
A tirade is a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
D) Intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation: In psychology, the term intrinsic motivation is referred to as a phenomenon in which an individual performs or displays a behavior or an action because he or she enjoys doing that activity itself. The motivation or inspiration for performing an act having intrinsic motivation is found in the particular act itself.
Example: A man Makes painting simply because he enjoys it and gets internal satisfaction with the act of painting.
In the question above, the statement signifies the intrinsic motivation.
The cardinal, collateral and subcolateral points are widely used by the compass - millennial object of geographical location. Even the most current technologies, such as GPS and internet maps, need cardinal points to guide their cartographic arrangements. Therefore, understanding these points is of fundamental importance for those who wish to use these instruments.
Many psychological professionals today take an eclectic view of p.....
The answere is eclectic