It's one of the most tried and trusted forms of advertisements. It is a scenario in which a person testifies to the possible effects of the product or services. Especially if the testifier is well known, hence the use of celebreties as in this case, an actor.
<u>Option-</u> B
You read about an unsolved murder in the newspaper. Given what you have learned in social psychology, you can reasonably predict a(n)<u> man</u><u> </u> committed the murder.
I thin it's
: Creating colonies around the world would lead to a wealthy, powerful nation.
Karl Max understood the Industrial Revolution as creating an unstable system that would collapse in a revolution. His ideas had an impact in the industrializing world of the nineteenth century because they inspired socialist movements and took root in unions, and shaped his idea of communism.
Belief in the ideas of the Enlightenment<span> and discontent </span>within the Third<span> Estate </span>were causes<span> of. The French Revolution. In the early 18th century, the Agricultural Revolution in Great Britain resulted in urbanization because. displaced rural workers migrated to find jobs.</span>
The 21st us Vice President was Thomas A. Hendricks