Kuppfer's Cell, monocytes, and lymphocytes
The correct answer is: D) excited
A molecule is in an excited state when its energy level is higher than the ground state. That molecule stays in excited state for short time and then returns to a state with lower energy. This return to a lower energy level is described as decay and is the inverse process of excitation.
The transition from ground to excited state of an atom is possible if electrons gain energy that is higher than the difference in energies between the two energy orbits.
due to soil erosion ,soil loses its mineral components as they get washed away during a time of flood ,thereby it can determine the minerals present in the soil .
Reproductive isolation must happen
Mario sets up an experiment to determine the source of the oxygen gas produced by photosynthesis. To determine this, he uses an isotope of oxygen called O-18. He labels the O-18 oxygen so he can follow its path through photosynthesis. Plant A is given carbon dioxide that contains the O-18 isotope. Plant B is given water that contains the O-18 isotope. When he examines the oxygen from both plants, only plant B produced O-18 oxygen. This indicates that the source of oxygen is water. The photosynthesis involves the transfer of electrons between the photosystem I and II. The water gets split into oxygen, hydrogen ions and electrons in the photosystem I. The electrons move to the photosystem II where the carbon fixation into sugars takes place. The plant A will have O-18 isotope in its synthesised sugar molecule, which gets stored inside it.