C, in a private exam room. Telling someone in the waiting room is a clear violation of HIPAA laws, and you're skirting the line at the discharge window. There are too many inherent risks with email: the account on file may be an account multiple people can access; you might have the wrong address, even if due to a typo; and so on. Discussing care in an exam room is the best way to maintain HIPAA compliancy.
Something with a mistake is never best ignored it’s best if they change it and get it corrected.
1. At pull stage Customers request for books. A pull system by Amazon was made through the use of ingram book group. They support booksellers in supply and demand of book buyers
2. The push strategy is made through the development of several warehouses. Procurement of inventory is done and peoples orders are sent out by utilizing pull strategy.
Processes in pull strategy:
1. Shipping
2. Order fulfilment
Processes in push strategy:
1. Stock replenishment
2. Production
$ in thousands) 2020
Net sales $4,163,770
Cost of sales before special charges 1,382,235
Special inventory obsolescence charge 27,876
Total cost of sales 1,410,111
Gross profit 2,753,659
Selling, general and admin expense 1,570,667
Research and development expense 531,086
It is an example of manipulation the antecedent stimulus. It is a way having desirable behavior to be done accordingly and in an appropriate way in order for effect to increase. It could be seen above as when the teachers applied of having changes to their seat, it is likely that they would rarely distract the class. It is an example of having the increase the odds so that the behavior could be done accordingly.