Well, it represents their key of achieving their long term dreams. It can also symbolize Walters greed and the destruction to his own original beliefs.
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Each author uses non-English words and figurative language.
The authors uses the words tortillas, pachucos, Oom-pah, and Gorditas. These are non-English words. They also use figurative language. When he says took the "tortillas out of his poetry", he is talking about how he is removing evidence of his Hispanic culture from his poetry. He thinks it will give him a better chance. In the second passage they are talking about overhearing someone who seems to wish for a heritage, not realizing that America has a heritage. The sensory detail of the American trees da
Your welcome
Happy Halloween
i will play soccer
they will sing michael jackson songs
she wont see her friends
jerry is going to the park to pla tennis with his friends
they wont understand what is happening
he wont see the film "Goosbumps"
how many cars do you have?
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm answers?
Answer:All along - the Avenue - were buses of different makes and sizes