God is good (Beowulf) while Satan is bad (Grendel and his mother), God vs Satan!
Like God desires the glory (Beowulf's desire for glory)!
In Bible it is repeatedly mentioned to love men like God, another thing we can derive from the epic.
Satan is always finding ways to deceive mankind.
And finally that whatever you do the sin will always bear consequence.
the long-distance relationship he imagined with his wife.
Two examples of code-switching are when Tan speaks "incorrect" or "broken" English to her mom in the first personal anecdote (when she tells her mom not to buy something), and when Tan realizes that the English she's using for a literary event is strange to use in front of her mother.
This code-switching reflects Tan's complex upbringing and Asian-American background, because, unlike many people who don't come from immigrant families or who don't speak several languages, she was acutely aware of certain sociolinguistic systems from an early age. For example, although Tan's mother's English makes sense to her, Tan would have to talk for her mother in several situations in order to be understood, to be taken more seriously, or even to be treated fairly.
Answer: C
This answer makes the most sense when reading and gets the point across without creating a run-on sentence.
She taught Helen what words were. She also taught Helen to speak.
When Miss Sullivan put Helen's hands under the water spout, suddenly, Helen understood what words were. Eventually, that led to Helen speaking and even giving speeches.