Sisters Ritwika and Radhika Mitra are 16 and 18 years old. They started a nonprofit called “Renaissance Now,” based in their Fremont home, and they provide underprivileged artisans in their native Bengal, India with the tools they need to make the art that is their livelihood, and in some cases, it’s their ticket out of dire situations, including human trafficking. KALW's Hana Baba sat down with the teen sisters to find out what inspired them to start this project.
In June 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain in reaction to three issues: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of neutral American seamen into the British Royal Navy against their will, and the British support of hostile Indian tribes along the Great Lakes frontier. A faction of Congress, made up mostly of western and southern congressmen, had been advocating the declaration of war for several years. These “War Hawks,” as they were known, hoped that war with Britain, which was preoccupied with its struggle against Napoleonic France, would result in U.S. territorial gains in Canada and British-protected Florida.
Great Depression allowed the ultranationalists to assume a dominant position in japan.
It began following the October 1929 stock market crash, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. Consumer spending and investment fell over the next several years, resulting in sharp drops in industrial output and employment as failing companies laid off workers.
The Great Depression, according to Bernanke and other economic historians, was a disaster because of its length, depth, and consequences. The Great Depression lasted a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending in 1942. Industrial output has plummeted. Unemployment has skyrocketed. Global GDP decline: -26.7%
To know more about Great Depression here