up and down the lighting rod i got it right on
It is important to have a short term goal to lead up to our long term goal. Having a long term goal is important because we need to have something to strive towards and work for. Short term goals help reach our long term goals.
She sees Macbeth as weak because when the witches gave him the prophecy, he didn't act upon it.
Those words were like magic because it helped him to gain approval from the teachers who punished them when they spoke their native Navajo language.
In the mission school which Ned gained entrance to, it was forbidden for the students to speak their native language. Students caught violating this law were punished by having their mouths washed with soap. Their native names were also replaced with English names.
Ned soon learned that whenever he was called upon by the teachers, the best way to gain their approval was to answer with the words, "Yes, teacher." Answering with his native language would earn him some serious punishment.
The substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant