It took place in the Soviet Union.
The cosmological principle has first been clearly stated by <em>Isaac Newton </em>in the "<em>Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" </em>in 1687. He proved with mathematical proofs on detailed observational data the principle of “universal gravitation”. The oscillating theory is a cosmological model which suggests that the universe we live in is a one of an innumerable series.
Question: Which statement is true?
Answer: <u><em>B. The oscillating universe theory suggests that the universe will expand forever.
it removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian empire into the union of Soviet socialist republics.
The level of government that maintains public utilities <span>, and licenses and oversees businesses is the state.</span>
If their rights were being infringed upon, saw rules/laws as unjust or unfair