economic activities such as industrialization and manufacturing have caused and put a lot of smog into our air which then makes it way back down to the bottom of the ocean or ground
pentru ca sunt inconjurati de un asa zis "ring of fire"
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traduce-ti intrebarile pe engleza pentru a fi mai usor oamenilor sa iti raspunda la intrebare
nu gasesti prea des romani pe aici.
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Caverns are created when moving groundwater mechanically weathers sediment and transports it elsewhere, leaving behind large empty spaces.
The movement of groundwater causes erosion that is responsible for the formation of caves. These caves are formed due to mechanical weathering of rocks. Mechanical weathering plays an major role in creating caverns by dissolving of limestone rock due to acidic water that reacts with limestone and removes it with the passage of time that forms caves. The normal pH water can't perform this job due to no reaction occurs with limestone.
Profound social economic changes occurred