In many cultures, sexual orientation has very strict rules or expectations to follow. People in strict cultures, who are against "homosexuals" and what not, will most likely stay straight because they want to feel accepted and not be judged or critisezed or in some cases even harmed because of their different sexual orientation. So basically their sexual orientation depends on the opinions of others in their culture.
Check the explanation
The two processes and procedures used in estimating the age of the earth took a lot of creativity and broad imagination. When Kelvin calculated the loss of heat by the Earth and arrived at an estimated figure of 24 million years, geologist had measured the accumulation of sediment and later concluded that the earth should be around 100 million years old. Both of these techniques took a lot of imagination and creativity, thinking outside the box is a key attribute when working with science.
Arjun Appadurai
Arjun Appadurai defined the process of globalization as "an infintely varied contest of sameness and difference in a complex disjunctive disorder" or shaped by a disorganized capitalism influenced by the social imaginary.
Arjun Appadurai is a Professor in New York University, He defined the process globalization as being shaped by social imaginary which is composed of five aspect of global cultural flow; ethnoscapes, technoscapes, ideoscapes, financescapes, and mediascapes.
The answer is: nothing
The answer to this riddle is "nothing." Nothing is greater than God, and nothing is more evil than the devil. The poor have nothing, while the rich need nothing. Finally, if you eat nothing, you will die.