Yes nice very nice good job yes that’s good good answer hopefully I helped you have a nice day.
compond-complex sentence
sentence having two or more coordinate independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
1. The school's principal said that the school must follow certain principles in order to be at its best.
2. The groom wanted to have their wedding on an isle, while the bride didn't really care where it took place, she simply wanted to walk down the aisle and get married.
3. In class today, we're going to gave a lesson on how to lessen our expenses.
4. The idle man simply sat there lazily as he stared at a poster of his idol, Michael Jackson.
5. She was so vain, she wanted to look perfect, but a huge vein in the middle of her forehead was getting in the way.
Unrelenting and relentless
First let's define persistence. Then let's find the words that mean similar things to it.
Persistence - a quality that is someone continuing and trying to do something even though it is difficult or discouraged by others; not giving up
Basically, in simple terms, persistence means not giving up.
Unrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving up
nrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving upUnrelenting is a synonym to persistence.
relent - to stop or become less severe; to give up
Relentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving up
elentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving upRelentless is a synonym to persistence.
Yielding - giving way or stopping under pressure; to give up
Have a lovely rest of your day! :)