Well your asking "Can a question be a annotation" And the definition if annotation is "a note of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram." Now looking at that we see "explanation or comment" So in a way...It's more of a answer not a question...
"If my house was burning down, and I had to rescue one thing that wasn't money or important documents, it would be my iPhone! Not only is it slim and lightweight, it never leaves my side and everything I need to accomplish can be done in a touch of a button. It is easier to name off things it cannot do!
Indirect characterization
I view love as an act that you don't do for yourself but for the person the love is directed towards. I have alway believed true love was doing what was best for the other person weather that means what you would be doing would not be something you would want to do ever again. I view love as an international concept. Love can be shown in many different ways. Being strict about rules and other important things can also be "love" because you are doing what best and keeping the person the love is directed to safe.