It is possible to compare the expression of homologous genes in the brain of <em>D. melanoganster</em> and humans, because the expression levels of conserved genes may be associated with the evolution of cognitive features such as complex learning and memory.
Model organisms can be used to understand the patterns and processes that affect human evolution. <em>Drosophila melanogaster </em>is a model organism that has been used to study expression patterns of conserved genes in the course of evolution. This model organism has also been used to develop genetic mutant lines in order to examine the role of genes evolutionarily conserved in animals, including those involved in neurocognitive development.
In genetic research, an experiment as the above described is framed in a research field named 'Behavioral Genetics', which is a discipline that studies how evolutionarily conserved gene networks may be associated with neurocognitive tasks during brain evolution.
Its dead plants and animals
The possible fate of the cell that it may turn cancerous.
The cells present in the body generally work in harmony. However, if a cell attains a mutation, it can make it proliferate in the case when it should not do, and make it thrive in the case when other cells are dying. Due to proliferation, the unusual cell produces more abnormal cells also known as cancerous cells. These cancerous cells become more favorable in comparison to the normal cells due to the phenomenon of natural selection. These cells eventually result in a lethal form of tumors.
In the normal cells, the destructed gene or the damaged cells get repaired easily, in case if the damage is worse the cell dies. A protein known as p53 helps in repairing damaged cells or kills them if the damage is too severe. But in the case of cancer cells, the p53 protein does not work appropriately as they possess a mutated or changed form of p53 protein. Thus, in the case of cancerous cells, the rate of repair lags behind the rate of mutation, which makes the cancer cells thrive and increase in numbers resulting in further destruction.
hydrodynamic = movement of a fluid
eusocial= having complex social structure
social behavior=the interactions between two or more members of the same species
forage= to search for and collect food
migrate= move from one location to another seasonally