Introduction of cat can control the population of mice on the island more effectively as compared to the introduction of disease because the introduction of disease can cause damage to other population of that environment that adversely affected the ecosystem. Cat feeds on mice that act as a controlling agent in this ecosystem that will leads to decrease as well as controls the population from increasing in order to cause damage to the environment.
The genetic information of living organisms is sequenced in DNA, which allows inheritable factors to be transmitted with each replication process. Proteins play a very important role by intervening in their metabolism during the translation and transcription of information. .
eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms have different evolutionary sequelae that are reflected in the mechanisms they use for DNA translation, such as in the initial stages, lengthening and termination of sequencing, these differences are imparted by the order of the genes, the ribosome and its structural form and the promoter sequences.
In this way we can conclude that although the eukaryotic genes enter into a bacterium, the type of information that they take may arrive incomplete and this may generate subsequent defects for their operation, but there may be processes that guarantee a better transfer of information with the use of genetic engineering and enzyme management to introduce different bacterial genetic expressions with eukaryotic genes.
energy generated in ways that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment, especially by avoiding the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power.
A frog's lungs don't work that well, but since it's skin is so thin, oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass trough it.