C. Expressing criticism or contempt.
The word "opprobrious" means to criticize or say a bad word about a particular thing. It contains a negative meaning for the given word and is used as a means of expressing scorn or derogatory word about the thing.
In the given passage from <em>The Open Boat</em> by Stephen Crane, the four survivors of the shipwreck were on a lifeboat, hoping and looking for the sight of any help, land or people to be saved. And in their eagerness to be found, they were oblivious to the fact that there was no lifesaving station nearby. And as a result, they blamed the <em>"nation's lifesavers"</em> for their poor eyesight and their inability to see them struggle out in the sea. The author used the word <em>"opprobrious"</em> to state how the four men<u> criticized and expressed their negative feelings</u> about the inability of the men supposed to be out working to save any survivors out at sea.
Moved by, passed someone, swerved
How you choose to communicate with your body is considered nonverbal strategy this includes eye contact, posture, facial expressions and even gestures all together nonverbal Is body langauge
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