The size of the Atlantic slave trade dramatically transformed African societies. The slave trade brought about a negative impact on African societies and led to the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. This intensified effects that were already present amongst its rulers, kinships, kingdoms and in society.
The arena would like to estimate it's annual running costs for the next twelve months. Use the following first 4 moths figures to estimate the running costs for12 moths.January £14,889.51,February £22,936,March 9,856.88,April 6,777.77.The estimated running costs for 12 months is £
Answer:Read this,hope it helps!
The 1950s in America are often described as a time of complacency. By contrast, the 1960s and 1970s were a time of significant change. New nations emerged around the world, and insurgent movements sought to overthrow existing governments. Established countries grew to become economic powerhouses that rivaled the United States, and economic relationships came to predominate in a world that increasingly recognized that the military may not be the only means of growth and expansion.