This song has a very good background and it reminds me of the old days when I had fun and was a kid.
The 800-1100's are the golden age of Japan because the noble court in Japan became a great center if culture and learning.
The staff would hopefully say "Sorry the doctors not in right now thank you buh bye" and then id maybe go comando and leave to live in a tent or if i answered id maybe say "i had no idea he/she never gave me any signs of this behavior before i dont know what to say but this is a case of bipoler issuse or drug abuse and maybe a bit of depression he/she was nit willing ti share with me." something like that :P
1- the child can steal from parnets or other realtes
2- the child can phyically hurt himself and other
3- the cild can invite people and thoses people can steal, hurt, and harm the kid or the houe.
The element of art that is 3d is form