Thanos teleports to a planet (Not Named) (possibly earth) to live out his life as a farmer peacefully *until he gets up to no good again* after hanging his armor up and retiring after doing what was "right"
Here is a direct quote from one of the creators "Once he puts his armor down in that movie he becomes like a holy warrior and this is his resting place for him."
The Presidential election campaign of November 1932 took place against the backdrop of the most severeeconomic depression in American history. While Republican President Herbert Hoover was personally blamed for failing to deal with the consequences of the Wall Street Crash of October 1929, the Democratic candidate, Franklin D Roosevelt promised, A new deal for the American people.
Following a landslide election victory, Roosevelt faced the enormous task of restoring confidence in a shattered economy. At first glance, Roosevelt's privileged background might have made it difficult for him to understand the problems faced by those who were unemployed or poverty stricken. However, in 1921 an attack of polio had left Roosevelt permanently crippled, and his ongoing battle against this terrible illness enhanced his ability to relate to ordinary Americans.
As he entered the White House, the scale of the problem he faced was immense. By the winter of 1932-1933, the country seemed to have reached rock bottom. Roosevelt's personal solution, the New Deal was the largest, most expensive government programme in the history of the American presidency. However, historians do not necessarily agree as to whether the New Deal was a success or a failure.
A, the Soviet Union supported North Vietnam but they were the ones who attempted to take over South Vietnam and successfully did so as American Troops retreated