Sentence b does not use an adverb clause
write a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayanawrite a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayanawrite a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayanawrite a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayanawrite a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayanawrite a 700-900 word essay that examines the cultural traditional and artistic context of the chapter and painting from the ramayana
Repetition of similarly phonetic consonants is a skill for writing consonance. A poetic line with at least three words that shows technique of consonance is as below:
sit lit fit,
lit fit fit,
sit fit lit.
The techniques of consonance is usually used in a prosody. The similarly sounding consonants at the end of the poetic line is remarkably used in a creative poetry called as prosody.
The death with life are connected, we can think of death as a period of time, if we waste our life, we will arrive until death without any Goal achieved.
We must take advantage of our life, but we must work thinking about the present as a gift.
Death pushes us to be something in life, For example:
If the death didn't exist, we would leave everything for tomorrow, and always happen, even we know that the time is gold.
IN the end of the story when the conflict is resolved