The festival celebrated in Brazil with several days of parades, music and dance is the (C) Carnival.
The Carnival is celebrated every year, 46 days before Easter. It has its roots in the Roman Catholic Church, where individuals celebrated one last day of merriment, drinking and dancing before the beginning of Lent, a period of abstinence.
If it takes 3 days to mail in, and if you want to mail it in on Monday, you have to mail it in on Friday, and then the payment will be received on Monday.
Aphids remove sap from the plant with their piercing-sucking mouthparts. Tomato plants can tolerate large numbers of aphids without suffering yield loss. However, severe infestations can cause leaves to curl and may stunt plants.
Look! The dog <u>is </u><u>swimming</u> in the river! (swim)
- Use present continuous tense because the action is still going on & hasn't stopped.
A.alteration is the answer of this question