1. DDAA, DdAa
2. DDaa, Dada
3. ddAA, ddAa
4. ddaa
5. The phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 where 9 combinations will produce offspring with both dominant phenotypes (dimples and brown hair), 3 will produce offspring with one dominant phenotype and one receive phenotype (dimples, blonde hair), 3 will produce offspring with one receive phenotype and one dominant phenotype (no dimples, brown hair), and one will produce offspring with both recessive phenotypes (no dimples, blonde hair)
<h2> ANSWER</h2>
<u>B.</u><u> </u><u>carbonate shells are dissolved in deep water</u>
Carbonate sediments are rare in deep sea sediments because the <u>carbonate shells are dissolved in deep water</u><u>.</u>
In order for plants to make their own food, they must go through a process called photosynthesis. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of a cell. To begin this process, all items needed must go to the cells of a plant. Water and nutrient are absorbed from the soil through the roots. A tube called the xylem carries only water up the stem to the rest of the plant. Gas exchange in the plants occur in the tiny pores of a leaf called the stomata. This is opened and closed by the guard cells. The food produced by this process is called ATP and it is a macromolecule known as a nucleic acid.
An example of a false negative is taking an HIV test and having the test come back negative to say the patient is clean, but in reality they have HIV. Another example of a false negative is a woman taking a pregnancy test saying "not pregnant" (i.e. test is negative), but she actually is pregnant. Between those two examples, it is better to have a false negative pregnancy test because it is non life threatening.
A false positive example would be getting bad news you have cancer, when you actually don't have cancer. Another false positive example is a test saying you have a cold virus, when in actuality you don't. The first example mentioned would have the patient likely go through intense chemo treatments which would greatly affect their livelihood. The second example is a more harmless false positive as it would involve at most a flu shot if anything.