Vonnegut may have wanted to appeal to readers' interests in prophecies about the future. ... Vonnegut almost certainly wanted to mock the growing emphasis in his day not simply on equality of opportunities (which most people endorse) but equality of outcomes (which many people think is impossible to dictate).
The Man of the House by Frank O'Connor we have the theme of innocence, temptation, guilt, responsibility, Based solely on the fact that he has no money What is also interesting about the story is that though Gus' mother is poorly One thing thing that the main character learnt from his experience.
In The Man of the House by Frank O'Connor we have the theme of innocence, temptation, guilt, responsibility, control, resilience, redemption and acceptance.
The setting influences the plot, which includes the story's events. Certain actions are more likely to take place in specific environments. Also, the story's tone and theme rely on its setting Characters' backgrounds influence how the characters relate to and behave in the setting.
use same informal formaat of writing letter and change the topic paragraph.
to make a slave or slaves of; reduce to or as if to slavery: to enslave a people; enslaved by drugs.
hope this helps