In factories- it was rough, everyone is on a handful of hours of sleep, they barely got paid, and when children were working in the factories, they would hurt themselves a lot.
Increased trade gave the lower and middle classes a way to make money. Thats the answer I just got it wrong and I tried A and D. The answer is C.
The answer is D. All of the above, as different changes in the environment can lead to many different things.
We send out ships to go visit different countries because ships in a foreign countrys which enables it to avoid the regulations of the owners country
The correct answer is C. The existence of racially prejudiced attitudes found in areas of the United States.
Racially prejudice attitudes were really common and the Civil Rights movement helped to reduce them. This can be seen in:
- racial segregation on public transportation - fought by the Civil Rights Movement with the Montgomery Bus Boycott
- discriminatory economic policies in Alabama City - fought by the Civil Rights Movement with the Birmingham Campaign.
- lack of voting rights - fought by the Civil Right Movement on many marches, especially the Bloody Sunday