They ignored it
The Boland Amendment aimed to prohibit the federal government from providing support to the Contras in Nicaragua. Instead of directly getting involved like that, they decided to ask someone else to support it, and that was Iran. Iran was the subject of an arms embargo which meant that the Contras were able to buy arms (guns) from Iran to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, and this ended up being a political scandal in Reagan's administration.
Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
Answer:Enrollment is the final step before a bill is sent to the governor for signing. ... Governor may sign bill or do nothing, and bill becomes law. Governor may veto bill, which requires two-thirds of members of each house to override. Act and other laws enacted at the session are printed in the Georgia Laws
Most of the native people of Florida died of disease brought by settlers. What was the main reason why the Spanish settlers established a colony in New Mexico rather than remaining in Florida? Who implemented the Headright system? The Spanish had attempted to keep the Pueblos from practicing their native religion