The correct answer is; Battery.
Further Explanation:
If the patient does not want you to touch them then it is classified as a battery offense. Anyone has the right to refuse treatment unless it is a lifesaving measure.
The patient has the right to call police or ask for police to be called. Always ask a patient before touching them if it is okay to do a procedure such as taking vital signs. It is a misdemeanor and you can be jailed or issued a citation to appear before a judge.
Learn more about patients rights at
If the medical biller notices incomplete documentation, the biller should confirm with the provider.
A head drape is used for procedures of the nose and throat. It protects the eyes during surgery and prevents hair from entering the surgical field.
A head drape is the procedure of covering the patient's non-sterile region from one that is going to be operated. The process id performed to minimize the risk of unwanted objects and the infections during the surgery.
Surgical field is the sterile, microorganisms free area where the surgery is to be performed. It consists of the draped patients, the tools and equipment that are necessary to perform the operation. Even the doctors are a part of surgery field. They must be completely covered with masks on and the hands and forearms scrubbed.
To know more about surgical field, here
respatory diseases: 1-lung cancer 2-emphysema 3-cysticfibrosis Circulatory Diseases: 1-cardiac arrest 2- high blood pressure 3-blood clots
These diseases can contain all the items listed above and they are some of the effects if your body is weak then you might have a Chance of getting a type of cancer or getting sick
Give 30 gentle chest compressions at the rate of 100-120/minute.