Yes 15 kilometers is 1500000 cm
This is because in metric conversion, you multiply by ten each time you convert to the next unit.
Heres a useful way to remember
K ing (kilo)
H enry (hecto)
D oesn't (deca)
U sually (unit) <-metre, litre ect.
D rink ( deci)
C hocolate (centi)
M ilk (milli)
$2.35 for one video
Step-by-step explanation:
You set up two equations:
$7.50= p + 2v
$12.20= p + 4v
You then set both equal to p
p=-4v+12.20 and p=-2v+7.50
So you can set them equal to each other and solve for v (the cost of one video)
v= $2.35
Use the formula of areal*b*h