There would be more hours of sunlight at the equator
Cellulose is another long polymer of glucose. Plant cells make their cell walls out of cellulose. In fact, 100 billion tons of cellulose is made every year on earth. Cellulose is indigestible in most animals, including us. Ever eat a cardboard box? You get the picture. We simply lack cellulase, the enzyme that can break it down. Some bacteria, some single-celled protists, and fungi have the enzyme. Animals that feed on cellulose harbor these microbes that help them digest it. Even though, we cannot break down this molecule, we do need cellulose in our diet. We call it “fiber”. Cellulose stimulates the colon to produce regular bowel movements and helps make the stools large and soft. A diet rich in fiber can prevent a painful intestinal disorder called diverticulosis. Hard impacted stools can sometimes cause the walls of the colon to form blind outpockets called diverticula which can periodically inflame. So what makes cellulose different from starch? Isn’t it made of glucose? Well it is but the glucose monomers are organized in an interesting fashion. The orientation of the glucose molecules alternates. So if the first one is right side up, the next one is upside down and then the next is right side up and the next one is upside down. Apparently this is a tricky arrangement for an enzyme to break.
The disk diffusion test is used to compare the effectiveness of antibiotics. The incubated plate (results) will show bacteria growth except where antibiotic has effects. The more effective the drug, the inhibition zone will be greater. So the most effective antibiotic is the one that has the largest inhibition zone around the test site.
B is correct
Acids are molecular compounds that release hydrogen ions. A binary acid consists of hydrogen and one other element.
None of the choices would lead to all identical gametes.
Gametes are sex cells produced by sexually reproducing organims via a process of cell division called MEIOSIS. Meiosis is a cell division process which produces four (4) daughter cells (gametes), which are genetically different from the parent cell.
The difference in genetical content is as a result of a process unique to only meiosis called CROSSING-OVER OR RECOMBINATION. This process ensures that the genetic content of the gametes are altered. Hence, since gamete formation is done via meiosis, none of the scenarios in the option will lead to all identical gametes.