English civil war, may flower compact, Bicameral Legislatures, royal colonies, town meetings, town government, county government, confederation, fundamental orders. I think that’s all of them
They were journalists who were very important during the progressive era. They often exposed big businesses for unsafe/unsanitary working conditions or problems facing america
B) If one country falls to communism, its neighbors are also likely to do so.
This fear of communism spreading was due to America's rivalry with the Soviet Union after World War II. This era of competition for global influence and power is known as the Cold War. During this time, the US worried about the spread of communism and the domino theory.
To prevent this domino theory from taking place, the US government adopted a policy of containment. Containment was focused on stopping the spread of communism to new countries. This is one of the reasons why the US would get involved in the Korean and Vietnam Wars.