Banks channel money from savers to borrowers in order to make money off of the "interest" that is charged by the bank to the person or firm taking out a loan. A portion of this interest is also paid to the original "saver".
The best description is c
First is A?
Second is B?
Hard questions.
From the colony's inception Musgrove placed herself in the center of Oglethorpe's dealings with neighboring Creek Indians. As interpreter for Oglethorpe and Yamacraw Indian chief Tomochichi, Musgrove was instrumental in the peaceful founding of Savannah, and by extension, the Georgia colony.
B or C. This one is difficult because the concept of liberty is subjective. The definition varies from document to person and back to document. Basic Freedom, The ability to not have an opposing force constituting every action. I'll go with D. But I wish it would have added that you have to freedom to do anything without being oppressed or something along those lines. Even so I still believe that D is the best one.