Your answer would be: P<span>redatory Pricing .</span>
WORM (Write Once, Read Many)
The full meaning which means Write Once, Read Many implies that data can only be entered (or better put, written) once. Once the data has been written, the data can not be updated or deleted. However, the data being stored on WORM can be read as many times, as possible.
Hence, WORM answers the question.
import string
all(c in string.hexdigits for c in s)
The hexadecimal number system, often abbreviated as "hex", is a numeral system which consist of 16 symbols (base 16). The standard numeral system we are all use to, called decimal (base 10) and utilizes ten symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Using python programming language
import the string module
the second expression iterate through the digit in s and confirm if they all are within the rage of 0 -9 ad A -F. If yes , it returns True and else, it returns false