The slave trade between Western Africa and the America's reached its peak in
the mid-18th century when it is estimated that over 80,000 Africans annually
crossed the Atlantic to spend the rest of their lives in chains.
Secret diplomacy was a major factor based on the fact that led to fear between all the nations and confusion. Nationalism and imperialism is a factor, scramble for Africa, Archduke fradana has some ties based that his death lead to more retaliation in the Balkans which wanted to be independents do Austria-Hungary and Russia fought over for.
13 hours
The mill was full of looms that looked like the looms Lyddie was used to except they all ran automatically, which was different from her old loom. The noise in the factory was louder than the loudest thing Lyddie had ever heard. Mill workers had to work 13 hours, but Lyddie was used to it.
The difference between causation and correlation, is that causation is when one event causes another one to happen. Correlation is not causation because two events can correlate, but that doesn’t mean that they caused each other. One example of causation could be because there was a large run of salmon, he got the most he has ever caught. One example of correlation is that there was a large run of salmon, and coincidently the new mayor is a great fisherman. There being a large run of salmon did not cause the new mayor, who is a good fisherman, to be elected. That’s a little confusing, you may have to read it more than once.