The concept of adult changes every day depending on what it relates to. when going to events if over a certain age you are consisted a adult. once u move out and pay bills that is being a adult
Dante also uses similes, comparisons of one thing to another using "like" or "as," most notably in his remarkable description of the souls of the condemned moving onto Charon’s boat
On Odyssey:)
He means that Carrier has cast a spell on people.
The word "bewitching" was used in the sense of "wearing a charm", so the author shows that Martha Carrier was accused of witchcraft because, according to her accusers, she had the ability to attract them, dominate them and exercise them a power that was evil, like a charm. These accusations were so powerful that they even had the ability to enchant Martha's inquisitors, making them look for more witnesses and until it was impossible to absorb her from the crime for which she was being tried.