Preoperational stage of Piaget's cognitive development.
When asked where the sun goes at night, four-year-old Kiet explains to his dad that it goes to sleep. Later that day, Kiet gets upset because he believes his sister's glass contains more juice than his glass. Both glasses actually contain the same amount of juice, but Kiet is confused because of the tall and thin shape of his sister's glass. From these instances, we can say that Kiet is in the pre-operational stage of Piaget's cognitive development.
When the New Netherlands sent Henry Hudson on an exploration trip, he claimed rich farmland along the Hudson River.
By the end of the republic, however, it was generally accepted that Rome had been founded in 753 bce and that the republic had begun in 509 bce, following the overthrow of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last of Rome's seven kings.
Starting the stories with his childhood makes Ngugi's stories seem more real than others because people think that it is a real life story.Mentioning childhood invokes multiple senses of the readers,engages the readers,evokes strong emotions as people start to think of their own childhood as well, helps in creating intriguing and complex characters for Ngugi's stories,the writer may use rich character voice,Ngugi is able to pull his readers into action.