In "A Wolf and Little Daughter,"
the author builds suspense by having the wolf repeatedly appear and disappear. Each time he reappears, the wolf is closer to the girl and she is closer to getting home safely, which makes the suspense grow because her chances of getting away safely seem to grow as she gets closer to the gate and decrease as the wolf gets closer to her.
I just did it.
From the novels basically on Oliver twist and Noah clay pole concerning depictions, the first thing is that they all come from a very poor social background. In this case Oliver is seen to be unknown person in the society due to him being associated with gang and other band acts. Despite the fact that Noah is seem to be poor as Oliver, Noah considers his personality and life as known or rather superior person more than Oliver. From the novel Noah is depicted to be a coward and very oppressive person. Some people praise him and his behaviors since he is a
parish kid. At some point he went further to insulting Oliver as somebody who is very poor and of bad behavior basically in term of social morals, this can be witnessed to be ridiculous since Oliver is not that bad and also he is poor like Oliver in the real sense. From the novel Oliver is seen to be a good boy and has never shown some kind of inclination to destroy other peoples’ lives or harms anyone
D) In alphabetical order by the author's last name (or first word of entry)