Teen's needs to "belong." A passage rite from teenager to adulthood. Desire to share interests, even if those interests are viewed negatively. To feel popular, "cool", or "in" -- even if the group is viewed as not popular. Needs to separate and differentiate from parents. Rebellion, revolt against adults. For a reaction from adults. Low self esteem.
The century from the conclusion of the Twelve Years’ Truce in 1609 until either the death of Prince William III in 1702 or the conclusion of the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 is known in Dutch history as the “Golden Age.” It was a unique era of political, economic, and cultural greatness during which the little nation on the North Sea ranked among the most powerful and influential in Europe and the world.
Gandhi was unhappy because when the British granted India her independence, the Indian Independence Act of 1947 partitioned British India into two: India and Pakistan. His vision of a free India was a harmonious co-existence of the Hindus and Muslims in one nation.
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