What would happen if we don't have good citizenship then we would be all separated and would not get along. If we had good citizenship (like today) would get along easily and fairly.
it seems as if buddhism was spread all over Asia. Only men are present and they all have bald heads and this might represent purity as their bodies appear to be hairless. The buddha statue shows a buddha with something on his head. That is striking as they are usually seen as bald headed men in cloth rather than with jewellery or hair adorning their bodies.
My predictions: Buddism represents purity of ones mind body and soul. only men can be a part of buddhism
Question: What is the central belief of buddhism?
I believe that the answer for this is C but I'm not sure if that's correct
Although Locke and Rousseau wrote prominent treatises on the social contract, Thomas Hobbes introduced the idea of it. He argued that human beings were evil in nature, and thus needed to enter a contract in which everyone basically agreed not to kill each other (i.e. in his natural state, although completely free, man would always be wary of subjected to another man's brutishness. Whereas in society we are all supposedly better off-even if there are sacrifices involved-because there is an agreement binding each man into behavior that's meant to contain man's evil nature).
Carter wanted to drop the atomic bomb on China when North Korea tried taking over the south of Korea. The u.S got involved in the war and pushed North Korea all the way to China