The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social conditio
The answer should be "sirve" ! :)
The correct answer is B.
option A is for "Ellos" (they)
option C is for "yo" (I)
option D is for a third person but the conjugation works for "us." just try to translate the whole sentence: "The teacher gives us the books to the students." it does not make sense.
However, if we use "B" the sentence is written properly. "La profesora les da los libros a los estudiantes" The teacher gives the books to the students.
29 Papá se afeita por la mañana, pero ayer no se afeitó.
30 Siempre yo me despierto a las 6:00. Pero el miércoles me desperté a las 8:00
31 Patricia y yo nos vamos a la escuela las 7:00, pero ayer nos fuimos a las 10:00
32. Nosotros nos preparamos el desayuno a las 6:30 pero ayer lo preparamos a las 7:00
33. Tú te acuestas a las 9:00 pero el martes te acostaste a las 12:00