When I was little, my mama always taught me to be polite. She said it was one of the laws of the universe. That people were sensitive, and defensive and that little girls like me need to grow up knowing how to deal with these people, because they surround us. Some people will be rude, she said; they'll laugh in your face and complain and yell. But you always have to keep an smile on your face, because if you don't, you'll be one of those people. My mama also told me that if you are kind, the universe will reward you. She's always been into the idea of karma, and I always liked the idea of it too. It's a fair system. If you're rude and mean, you don't get very far in life, and if you do you're miserable because you're alone. If you are nice and kind, people will like you, and even when things are tough, you'll always have somebody there for you. And I think that's the best rule someone can have in there life; "Always be kind"
I think indignant because whoever is speaking in the poem seems angry and annoyed.
D. Spelling
There is a <u>spelling </u>error in this passage. T<u>he word “fysically” does not exist – it is misspelled.</u>
The word that should have been used instead is “<em>physically</em>”, which means something relating to the body or the outside appearance, opposite of the mind and mentally.
The passage tries to say that girls in the single-sex schools do not have such pressure to be perfect with their appearance, but that they should be happy with how they feel, act, and look.