San Francisco is located at 37.77 ° and Wichita at 37.65 ° latitude, despite being very similar, however San Francisco rarely has winter minimums that are below freezing or summer maximums that exceed 32 ° C, on the other hand, Wichita is susceptible to freezing from the end of autumn to the beginning of spring and reaches 32.2 ° C at least 65 days of the year. These differences are due to the fact that San Francisco is influenced by the marine effect, while Wichita is influenced by the continental effect.
People didn’t know how to read
The Puritans had the idea that the English Reformation retained too much Catholic influence, Puritans wanted the Church of England to further separate from the Catholic religion and follow stronger beliefs. Separatists believed that the Church of England was too much like the Roman Catholic Church; but Separatists wanted nothing with the Church of England. Puritans and Separatists believed the Church of England needed reform, however the Separatists did not want to stay with the church till it changed.
"Guns" were not an African good traded in exchange for European goods, since Africa did not have the factories need to assemble the guns, which were instead made in Europe.
4 During the 16th century, the Mughals peacefully expanded into India