With the increase of trade a new class of people devolved made up of merchants, traders, and craft workers. these people began to form an association called guilds.
A Bachelor of Arts typically leads to lifetime earnings four times greater than that of a high school graduate. I believe a Bachelor of Science is more, then a Masters and finally a Professional degree.
Interdependence describes when two or more international actors impact and rely on each other. Consider the flour industry, for example. One person specializes in growing crops, another on milling, one on packing, distributing, and finally selling it. They need each other to deliver the final product, and if one day the mill stops, everyone is affected; they are all interdependent.
Think of those individuals as a country, and the flour as the products and services we consume. This gives you an idea of the interdependence of human societies. We fulfill our needs by relying on a massive network of other people.
Nowadays, most countries are also interdependent because they rely on other countries for supplying local demand and for selling local products. This interdependence is strong, and one nation's actions often have consequences on another's. For example, China's labor costs impact employment in other countries, Russia's policies on gas affects transport costs in Europe, and air pollution generated in the United States has global effects.
Hitler's actions in Germany were absolutely despicable...he is the person that lead the nazi party and instituted the mass killing of millions of jews, homosexuals, disabled and elderly citizens and many more. He was able to rise to power since Post World War I Germany was in absolute shambles and the people were furious over the government that was seemingly doing nothing about it. His actions started small against the jews such as forcing all of them to register and wear a star of david in public. Then he started forcing all of the jews out of their homes and in these poor towns before he started sending them to concentration camps.