The House's primary charge against Johnson was violation of the Tenure of Office Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in March 1867, over the president's veto.
Myths and Legends have been a big part of everyday life and have been passed on from generation to generation. They have inspired and taken a large place in society. But why are some myths and legends from the middle ages still very popular today? It is because they are gripping and entertaining. They designed their stories to be as complicated and detailed as possible so it would keep those listening to the stories entertained. This is because most people were illiterate probably due to the fact that about 90 per cent of the population were peasants and thus had little or no education. These highly entertaining stories have been passed on from the people of the Middle Ages down to us today and we have loved them so. So many of our stories today are based on concepts from the middle ages which prove we love them dearly. For example, we have all fallen in love with things like the Hobbit which is based completely around medieval warfare, magic and Dragons (Check out some info on them at mythological creatures). Another example is the TV show, Merlin based completely on the stories and myths of King Arthur and Merlin and all the adventures that took place. So the reason that we all have fallen in love with these Legends or Myths is because they are so intricate and beautifully woven that we have no choice but to love them.
They have tended to settle in poor areas of larger cities.
When demand increased after the Civil War, a boom in the sheep industry occurred, which led to conflicts with ranchers and farmers over grazing land.
The answer is below
Given the vocabulary terms provided, here are their definitions:
1. Civil rights: rights and privileges owed to a citizen, including the freedom of speech and of worship
2. Emancipation Proclamation: Slaves within any State shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.
3. Prejudices: discrimination biases; stereotypical attitudes: to be unfair in judgment; to be prejudiced; to show partiality