English colonization would save the New World from Spanish tyranny.
Hakluyt posited that England would receive numerous benefits by creating colonies in the Americas. He considered this necessary given what he considered as Spanish tyranny whereby the Spanish forced people forswear and renounce their religion and their loyalty to the Queen
They faced discrimination,segregation,and obstacle to voting.Military benefits went disproportionately yo white veterans,and Africa Americans could note obtain loans.
Colonial nations are not mere offshoots of the
nations that gave birth to them. The geography, ecology, history of the continent forged them as original identities, like it did for the indigenous when they came millenia ago. To remove them from this context is to remove them from what made their identities in the first place. It's to such a point you can see very similar behaviours and interests in some circumstances. For example, both indigenous and allogenous populations try to lobby to keep seal-hunting going, because it's their way of life since centuries.
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