It is time for the city to widen Highway 2. The city has put off this project for ten years. During this time traffic has double
d. The highway needs to be widened by one lane in each direction. A new highway will cut down on accidents and increase traffic flow. Last year more than 280 accidents happened on the highway. Most of them were during the rush hours. Widening the highway is the best way to reduce car accidents. Everyone worries about neighborhood safety. Right now, people get off the highway and drive down side streets. I have seen these drivers speed through my neighborhood. This makes our streets dangerous for children. I know the project will be expensive, but it will be worth every penny we spend. Let's reduce the traffic and save lives. This is an editorial. Which is a fact?
A.) Widening the highway is the best way to reduce the number of car accidents.
B.) Last year more than 280 accidents happened on the highway.
C.) Everyone worries about neighborhood safety.
I read this a long time ago. But if I remember it’s because the paw grants wishes, so it’s hard to tell if the events are happening because of the paw or if they just so happened to occur at the same time.