British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to help replenish their finances after the costly Seven Years' War with France.
Only man could vote, women were not. Only rich a rich man could vote, no peasants could vote.
Rising out of the Federalist v. Anti-Federalist debates, it featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states: the Federalist Party, created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Democratic-Republican Party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
The United States did not send aid to "Iraq" during this period since relations between the US and Iraq were extremely poor, especially after Iraq invaded Kuwait.
Belgium wouldn't allow Germany passage through their territory.
Belgium wanted to remain neutral to both sides and allowing Germans passage to France was not remaining neutral to France.
Germany invaded France because they had declared war on them but when invading Belgium to get into France, they broke the treaty of London which is why Great Britain entered the war.
France was allied with Russia which is why Germany declared war against them. Hitler wanted to rule Russia and expand its empire, since France sided with Russia to defeat the expansion, Germany called for a war against them, thus pulling France into WW2.
Hope this helps!