Plagiarism is the act where a person uses another person’s idea without acknowledging the owner of this idea. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. While unintentional plagiarism can occur without the awareness of the students, intentional plagiarism reflects the moral position of the student. In the first stage of moral development, people may avoid committing plagiarism because societal laws discourage this behavior. Therefore, plagiarism is avoided in order to avoid punishment. For instance, a student may avoid plagiarism in order to avoid being expelled from school. When people move to the second stage of moral reasoning, they develop the view that right behaviors are ones that promote own interest.</span>
Qualitative research
This approach is used to gain an understanding of underlying motivation, reasons, and opinions. It provides the idea or insight into the problem and to gain knowledge on the area of work related to the research topic. Qualitative research includes interviews, direct observation of the subject.
Answer: False
In context of the mortgage process, a forbearance is referred to as a special agreement or contract between the borrower and the lender done in order to delay a possible foreclosure. The true or literal meaning of a forbearance is known as holding back. When a mortgage borrower tends to be unable in order to meet the repayment time or terms, the lenders might opt to have a foreclose.