Battle of Gaugamela, also called Battle of Arbela (Oct. 1, 331 bc) battle in which Alexander the Great completed his conquest of Darius III's Persian empire. It was an extraordinary victory achieved against a numerically superior army on ground chosen by the Persians.
Correct answer is a. Set forth the leader of Germany's views on the future of Germany and the German people
Option A is correct as in the <u>Mein Kampf </u>expressed his views on how the future of German people should look like. It is famous for its attitudes that excluded all non-Aryans from German society.
All other options are not correct as they were not part of this book.
They are parts of other arrangements. For example option E is a part of a famous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Option D are the agreements between Allies as the WW2 was going towards the end. Option C also is connected to Atlantic Charter.
It was the battle of the bulge.
D- a person can communicate instantly with others almost anywhere in the world