for some it is self defense, others it may be for exercise, and sadly some people might use it to beat people up which is not good.
The Founding Fathers were very influenced by the Enlightenment movement, especially by the philosopher John Locke. Because of that, the Founding Fathers justified the rebellion against the British.
The UDHR or Universal Declaration of Human rights had the trigger for its codification in the aftermath of the Second World War, as a way for states all over the world to collectively avoid such atrocities and for suffering on a global scale from ever happening again. So yes
Demilitarized Zone is the zone labelled on the map demarcating North Korea and South Korea.
DMZ is the acronym for Demilitarized Zone for the zone of no military and it demarcates the area between North Korea and South Korea. The zone is along the 38th Parallel and is almost 150 miles long.
This area has no military excess with cease fire protocol since the Korean war ended. It is placed over the Korean Peninsula and is in existence since 1953 after the war ended after the period of 3 years from 1950 to 1953.
Support European colonies.
As the US became developed the country abandoned the isolationist policy and started to get involved in a series of international issues. Quickly the American government realized that if the US started to support the European Colonies, especially those in Latin America, and helped them to gain independence from Europe, there would be a big sphere of influence on the American continent. This is called the big stick diplomacy first developed by Theodore Roosevelt. With that the US became more and more relevant internationally.